Hi dear monkey tribe
Another session of online handstand and mobility training is coming up today 6:30pm CET.
Topic this week: Shoulders
I have changed the structure of the weekly classes a bit and added new regular classes.
Wednesday sessions are now focused on intermediate participants.
Every Monday there is an open level inversion & mobility training – “Inverse Universe” – as well as a generalist movement practice.
Check out all the dates here:
I had to accept that getting the new website all the way to how I want it on my own will be a endless project. So if you are a webdesigner and would be interested in an exchange (free trainings, personal coaching, or massages if you live in munich) please contact me!
Slowly slowly we are getting back to live group activities.
It seems like the barefootyoga.me Quantum Soul Retreat in Slovenia Juli 13th – 19th will be happening under special conditions (which are being discussed and defined at the moment).
And of course our Moving into Presence Retreat in Portugal, September 22nd to 28th is definitely happening! We are soooo looking forward to this! Safe your spot now!
All the best, stay healthy and keep moving,