Hi dear monkey tribe
The demand for offline classes in Munich seems to be high, but the options are very limited with current restrictions.

But the good news is: We can prefectly train handstands at home! So here another online offer in the meantime: A 5 week online handstand course !
Live online training is always on Wednesday from 6 pm to around 7:30 pm CET.
November 4th until December 2nd.
I will record each class and keep the link available for 1 week.
Each week has different focus isolating bodyparts or aspects, and then integrating them into the big picture.
The sessions are progressive and complementary, so I highly recommend taking the full course. However you can join individual session if you have trained with me before or are interested in one particular topic.
Open for beginners, but also handstanders who practice for a while already will benefit.
Some offline trainings are also coming up though:
- 7.11.2020 _ “Whops” advanced Acroyoga @Gauting
- 14.11.2020 _ Handstand @Vertical Ballerina
- 21.11.2020 _ Solo Acro Flow @Vertical Ballerina
- 11.12.2020 _ Acroyoga Basics Winner Workshop @Moosach
- 12.12.2020 _ “Walk Overs” – Acroyoga Multi-Level @Moosach
Details to all of those, hopefully soon here: www.FlyingMonkey.eu/

Hope to see and move with you soon!
All the best,